How to Become a Barista with No Experience?

How to Become a Barista with No Experience?

You can be a barista with no experience. However, you should have some basic barista knowledge.

If you have already started your barista job search, but do you really know what it takes to be a great barista? If you have no experience, but you want to be a barista, then guess what? You have something in common with every barista champion! They, too, had no experience at one point!

The best thing is to start your online barista training with us – it's very affordable, convenient, and effective.

Even if you have no experience working behind an espresso machine, Barista Training Academy was established to provide you the knowledge you need. 

Our online barista training program is dedicated to the main elements of what makes a successful and efficient barista. While you are sending out your barista resume and waiting to start practicing in an actual coffee shop, read this first.

Be a Barista: Your Coffee Basics

Love for coffee

Do you enjoy a cup of freshly brewed coffee in the morning? This is already a decent reason to start your work in a coffee business. Whatever you do, your passion is the key to success in any job. You really need to be passionate about what you are doing, and coffee is not an exception here.

Coffee terminology?

Learn what makes great espresso and how to prepare basic espresso-based drinks. Learn where your coffee originates from and how different varietals taste. How do you like your coffee roasted? Yes, it all makes the difference. Online Barista Training Academy offers some great resources on coffee origins; coffee drinks recipes, barista techniques, barista terminology, espresso extraction, and latte art.

Visit local coffee shops

Becoming a regular is the first step to get a barista job. Get out of your comfort zone and chat with the baristas and even coffee shop owners. Ask them about the challenges and responsibilities of a barista. Familiarize yourself with the history and specialties of a coffee shop you particularly like. One of the options is to visit coffee cuppings organized by coffee shops. It is a great possibility to expand your knowledge about coffee and start coffee networking.

how to become a barista: barista no experience

What about your personal traits?

Be eager to learn

Many coffee shop owners will rather hire a young open-minded personality, than a know-it-all coffee snob. Don’t get intimidated by the challenges of the barista job. Be genuinely willing to learn about coffee, coffee brewing methods, and latte art. Show an open interest in your job, and it will be rewarded.

Be friendly

Besides coffee preparation, a barista job involves customer service, and you have to make sure that it is top quality. You will have to deal with many grumpy customers and solve various problems, so it is crucial to have a friendly, easygoing, and optimistic attitude. Be a good team player because you will need to work side-by-side with your co-workers and even coffee shop owners daily. It is essential to maintain healthy and friendly relationships with your colleagues.

Patience above all

Be patient and attentive to details. Make sure your espresso tastes perfect every time, and your espresso machine is clean and well-maintained throughout the day. Learning takes time, and you shouldn’t get discouraged that you can’t make a beautiful latte art from day one. As a barista, you will need to establish a certain working routine that works best for you. Try different tamping and leveling techniques, find the right workflow, and be ready to master your latte art skills. Find useful tips in this online barista training course.

how to be a barista with no experience

Be a Great Barista: Understanding Employer’s expectations


Many coffee shop owners mentioned that they are looking for a flexible and reliable person. Your practical experience is less important. Most employers need somebody who will take good care of a coffee shop and coffee equipment. It is also crucial to be flexible to work on weekends and late-night shifts. If you have a morning shift, be ready that you will need to show up at 4 am to prepare your coffee shop for a working day.

Responsibility and Honesty

As a barista, you are expected to be honest and fair. Keep an eye on your cash, and don’t give away free drinks and products to your friends. You will often be left in charge of the whole coffee shop, so it will require you to be extremely attentive and observant. Be straightforward with your manager about everything in the coffee shop or if you think something should be changed.

Your Outlook Matters

Make sure you show up to your barista job interview and your work in general, clean and well-groomed. It will be essential for your work because you will have to deal with food and beverages every day. You need to meet certain requirements of the food industry and customer expectations.

Utilizing Your Experience & Other Advantages 

If you want to be a barista with no experience, you should know that your previous work experience counts!

You can turn any of your previous experiences into your advantage to becoming a barista. For example, you may have gained some organizational or project management skills in a school or previous job experience. Why not add that to your resume? Many cafe owners or coffee shop managers would love to see a diversity of experience.

Additionally, you already had a part-time job that involved communication with customers or inventory management. Don’t forget to mention it all in your barista resume and during the job interview.

Think back on any other relevant experience to turn to your advantage and stand out among other candidates. Any previous experience working with the POS (Point of Sales) system might be a big plus for your candidacy.

Getting a Job as Barista Means, You'll Be Reliable & Have Personality 

In our discussions with coffee business owners, being reliable and have a genuine personality are the two most important qualities. Barista training can't teach you how to have a great personality. By having a sincere and good-hearted personality able to work in customer service and be reliable, you will likely get a job as a barista.

online barista training, how to be a barista

Brought to you by Barista Training Academy, “The Beginning Barista,” Your Ultimate Prep Guide to Getting Your First Job as a Barista” is an ultimate resource that is available online and is affordable for anybody who is looking to start a career in the coffee industry. For more information, visit our blog.


Barista Training Academy Guide

Take the First Step Towards Being a Coffee Shop Barista

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