Writing Your Barista Job Cover Letter

Writing Your Barista Job Cover Letter

Are you applying for a job as a barista? You will need a barista resume and cover letter. You will want to send a cover letter to be attached to your resume, even for posting online.

Why? Because a cover letter is an appropriate way to introduce yourself to the person making the hiring decisions. Secondly, other serious barista job candidates will be submitting their resumes (along with their cover letters).

Okay, we get it. Writing a barista cover letter can be, well, boring… annoying… and there's no doubt you can have a better day without writing it, right? As we said, we get it. However, the truth is that your cover letter is an essential introduction of yourself – on paper.

Your Barista Cover Letter

Barista's cover letter also serves to introduce your resume. Think of it like a written handshake.

While this may seem counter-intuitive, we believe that you should write your cover letter after finishing your resume. We like the idea of taking a yellow highlighter – identifying the top three things in your resume – and write about them in your cover letter.

Remember, your cover letter can be short, but it should have some substance as well.

Take away points:

  • Your cover letter should briefly highlight three points of your resume.
  • First, your cover letter should balance brevity and substance.

Things Not To Do In Your Barista Cover Letter:

  • Don't lie or stretch the truth.
  • Don't explain that you want a management position.
  • It's not recommended to say anything that is not relevant to the job or café.
  • Keep it brief! Don't write a novel about your life story.
  • Discuss salary or possible benefits is not a good idea
  • Don't forget to write your contact information (name, email, phone number, and address)

Things Your Barista Cover Letter Should Do

  • Always address the manager/owner by name (Never: Dear Coffee Shop Owner!). If you don't know it, call the café or drop by!
  • Stay Focused and On Message!
  • Have a “Call to Action”: What do you want the coffee shop owner to do? Should they: Call you? Review your resume? Send you an email? Wait for your call? All of the above? Determine who makes the next move by adding a call to action to your letter. 


Sample Barista Cover Letter

Dear Mr. or Ms. __________

I am responding to your job posting on Craigslist (or your website, etc.) for a barista position opening. I am very interested in the position and would like to apply for a position.

For your review, I have attached (enclosed) my resume detailing my work history. I have worked in retail and foodservice for two years. I have been awarded employee of the month twice before due to my high customer service ratings.

For the last year, I have been home coffee roasting and holding coffee cuppings with friends. I have great communication skills and have been noted to work very well with others. Additionally, my personable qualities make me an effective member of any team.

It is my hope that we can meet at a time convenient for you to discuss this opening at ________________.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Your Name
Phone number
Email address

barista resume; barista cover letter

Your Resume Tells The World Who You Are

If you don't have much experience, that's okay. However, you still have a story to tell – and your resume can help you do that.

Understand that your resume is simply a tool to help get your foot in the door. It will help you get your barista job interview!

Your resume will physically represent you and need to differentiate you – when you are not around.

In other words, your resume works as a sales letter. You are the product. And you are trying to convince a coffee shop owner to buy your services – in this case, your job skills, your ability to make their business healthier, more profitable, and simply better.

When we look at a resume in this light, we begin to see that an emphasis on features and benefits are essential:

  • What do you have that other applicants don't?
  • Can you demonstrate your passions, skill, and talents?
  • What do you bring to the table that's hard to beat?

What Should Your Resume Include?

  • Highlight special skills
  • Detailed past job descriptions and duties
  • Include information that details your love and passion for coffee
  • Keywords
  • Accomplishments

Your Resume Objective:

Many resumes have an objective section. We have found that while this section may have relevance, it can be redundant and unnecessary. A good cover letter should be able to state your objective clearly.  However, you may add one line objective to your resume.


It will help if you highlight your past achievements or anything relevant to your employer. Remember, your achievements are not so much about tooting your own horn (making yourself look great) instead of how you will help your coffee shop owner win (AKA: serve customers well, save money, etc.) In other words, how will your highlights or achievements help your employer?

Past or Current Job(s): 

Detailing your experience in the framework of how your past jobs can help your coffee shop owner is essential. However, there is value in past work and experience – even if it has nothing to do with retail coffee. Don't sell your experience short! Do you have restaurant experience or have customer service experience? Do you have retail experience? They all matter. Put only the last three jobs (or the most relevant jobs) on your resume.


Having your education noted is often encouraged (but may not be necessarily vital). Your experience and skillsets, while maybe related, don't require formal education achievement. However, with that said, it is also essential for you to note that you have completed high school or have some college education.

Additionally, you might be able to add your education to coffee! This is not an academic or an office job. This is a job in retail coffee. So, your education in coffee can be just as vital.

For example:

  • You received Online Barista Training here at Barista Training Academy.
  • Participated in a coffee cupping or tasting class.
  • Attended a coffee roasting class.
  • Participated in a marketing seminar.
  • You went to a Human Resources seminar.

Some of these are “coffee-related.” Some of them are not. But they all can help your current employer!


You may include references on your barista resume, or you may indicate that you are willing to provide references. However, if you indicate that you will provide references on some date in the future – this means another layer of interaction that may stall your hiring.

Consider adding one or two references with your resume. However, we strongly advise that you let your references know that your prospective employer might be calling.

online barista training, how to be a barista

Brought to you by Barista Training Academy, “The Beginning Barista,” Your Ultimate Prep Guide to Getting Your First Job as a Barista” is an ultimate resource available online and affordable for anybody looking to start a career in the coffee industry. For more information, visit our blog.


Barista Training Academy Guide

Take the First Step Towards Being a Coffee Shop Barista

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