Online Barista Training: Get Your Coffee Career Started

Online Barista Training: Get Your Coffee Career Started

What To Expect When You Get Behind The Coffee Bar

Whether you are already hired as a barista or just starting your online barista training, there are a few things you should know about the barista profession. Probably if you have already chosen this path, you know that a barista job is a lot of fun. Being a barista means communicating with great people at the coffee bar. Creating amazing coffee drinks, attending barista championships, and maybe even traveling to coffee-producing countries, and drinking great coffee every day too!

When we start our dream job as a barista, we rarely think that, like any other job, it can have its downsides. It’s a great job in any case, but you need to prepare yourself for a few things.

For example, serving a lot of customers during a busy hour. Busy hours usually happen twice a day. First comes in the morning when everyone is rushing to work or school. Then at night, when people are coming back home. You will have to serve many customers, which means you need to sharpen your skills quickly, effectively, and accurately. In the beginning, you will be expected to assist your more experienced coworkers, but later, you might find yourself alone during a busy hour.

online barista training; how to be a barista

Another thing is the requirement to wake up as early as 5 am to unlock the coffee shop, prepare equipment, and receive goods. Being a barista is a flexible job. You have a chance to choose your shifts, but you must understand that sometimes your coworkers will want to sleep in too. So usually, the early morning shifts are equally distributed among baristas.

A good thing about being a barista is a chance to socialize a lot. Sometimes socializing also means dealing with rude and unhappy customers. We talked about it before, but we want to stress it again that to solve arguments, you need to be impeccable at what you do, learn more about coffee, and be honest. This will also help you to achieve higher sales at your coffee shop!

What Do You Need to Get Started

Alright, so you are starting your job as a barista. Or maybe you are considering becoming a barista. Either way, you are in the right place, as today we will talk about how to make the most of your situation.

  • The key to success in a barista job is an eager interest in coffee. Learn as much as you can today; hopefully, there are many resources for that. Take, for example, the Barista Training Academy. We provide a lot of free information in our articles on how to find a barista job, how to prepare for your barista job interviews, and discuss coffee subtleties and barista duties in great detail. And it all comes for free.

Besides, for a very symbolic price, you can get a more profound “The Beginning Barista” Your Ultimate Prep Guide to Getting Your First Job as a Barista” book. The book prepares you to start your successful barista career from day one. It will give you a significant advantage when you are looking to be hired as a barista. Read more about it here or subscribe to our newsletter and get the newest barista news and updates.

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Having a Positive Mindset

  • Being positive is not just a hollow phrase. Yes, you hear it here and there several times a day, and it means something. “The more you feed your mind with positive thoughts, the more you can attract great things into your life.”
  • Feeding your mind with positive thoughts about yourself, your work, your managers and customers, and, of course, coffee and the people who produced it makes you a better person and thus a better barista. It inspires you to be better at what you do, serve better coffee, and learn more about coffee and coffee art. If you love coffee, you will learn about it effortlessly. But it’s still essential to put yourself in the mind frame of a positive attitude.
  • Barista training is probably the most crucial thing in being a successful barista. Even if you love coffee, it doesn’t mean that you will brew a perfect espresso right from the very first try. Sometimes it takes a few tries to get to know your espresso machine, your coffee beans, and your milk. Practice makes perfect, as they say. And it’s very true about the barista job.

As soon as you learn the basics and quickly pour delicious espressos, you’ll have time to channel your attention into other coffee preparation aspects, like coffee roasting, coffee chemistry, or latte art. Everything contributes to your success as a barista.

how to be a barista

The Pros of Online Barista Training

Barista training is essential to get hired as a barista at a busy cafe. It’s also the key to the consistent quality of the drinks you make. Let’s talk about the pros of getting your barista training before you start working:

  1. Online barista training increases your chances of being hired as a barista. Having it on your barista resume will most definitely help you stand out from the competition.
  2. Online barista training helps you shorten your training period at the coffee shop. This also means that you’ll get more money and tips sooner than those who had no training as they will be trained for 2-3 weeks after hiring.
  3. Online barista training gives you a good picture of what a real barista job is. It covers the main barista duties and the whole barista workstation, work processes, and maintenance issues.
  4. Online barista training doesn’t attach you to a certain barista school and a fixed schedule. You yourself decide when and how you want to study.
  5. Online barista training won’t ruin your budget as it’s much more affordable than all barista courses out there.

If you still hesitate about whether or not to start your barista training, then we believe that it has much more pros than cons. If you get your barista training now, you will spend just a few dollars, but you will receive much more. You will get the inspiration, the confidence, and the knowledge you need to be a successful barista.

online barista training, how to be a barista

 Barista Training Academy

“The Beginning Barista” Your Ultimate Prep Guide to Getting Your First Job as a Barista” is an ultimate resource that is available online. It is affordable for anybody who is looking to start a career in the coffee industry. For more information, visit our blog.


Barista Training Academy Guide

Take the First Step Towards Being a Coffee Shop Barista

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